How to choose the material for your Plastic handle knife

How to choose the material for your Plastic handle knife?

How to choose the material for your Plastic handle knife-ZX | የወጥ ቤት ቢላዋ፣የወጥ ቤት እቃዎች፣የሲሊኮን ኬክ ሻጋታ፣የመቁረጥ ሰሌዳ ቢላዋ፣ ባለቀለም ቢላዋ፣ አይዝጌ ብረት ቢላዋ፣ የሚችል መክፈቻ፣ የጠርሙስ መክፈቻ፣ የሻይ ማንኪያ፣ ግሬተር፣ እንቁላል መትከያ፣ ናይሎን የወጥ ቤት መሳሪያ፣ የሲሊኮን ኩሽና መሳሪያ፣ ኩኪ ቆራጭ፣ የማብሰያ ቢላዋ አዘጋጅ፣ ቢላ አጥራቢ፣ ፒለር፣ ኬክ ቢላዋ፣ አይብ ቢላዋ ቢላዋ፣ሲሊኮን ስፓትላር፣የሲሊኮን ማንኪያ፣የምግብ ቶንግ፣የተሰራ ቢላዋ፣የወጥ ቤት መቀሶች፣የኬክ መጋገሪያ ቢላዎች፣የልጆች ማብሰያ ቢላዋ

What material for the knife handle.

ያህል plastic handle kitchen knife,we suggest use new material instead of old material for plastic handle knife.

Maybe someone will ask,I want to lower the price,can I used old PP material to instead of new PP material?Well,it can a little bit cheaper,but they are not a big price different and it is not good for your sales. I do not suggest you used old material.I know old material is about USD0.5-0.6/KG lower than new material,but do you know what,for the same size handle,old material ፕላስቲክ is heavy than new material ፕላስቲክ,and old material’s defective rate is higher.Second:if your kitchen knife’s handle is not black but colorful,if we use old material,the handle’s color is not as bright as new color,and if you want to place reorder next time,it is hard to get the same color as last time.