The best Chef Knife,Knife Bulk buy,Stainless Steel Knife manufacturers

The best Chef Knife,Knife Bulk buy,Stainless Steel Knife manufacturers

Below is one of our best 8pcs Chef Knife,Stainless Steel Knife,Knife for Bulk buy


1pc Achat en gros Stainless Steel chef knife:8”,345*48,2.5mm

1pc Bulk buy Stainless Steel bread kitchen couteau:8”,333*30,2.5mm

1pc Bulk buy Stainless Steel slicer kitchen couteau:7”,338*39,2.5mm

1pc Achat en gros Stainless Steel utility kitchen couteau:5”,233*21,2mm

1pc Achat en gros Stainless Steel paring kitchen couteau:3.5”,199*22,2mm

1pc Achat en gros Acier inoxydable scissors:198*86mm

1pc Achat en gros ceramic peeler:147*60mm

Support acrylique 1pc

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Nous sommes l’un des best Chef Knife,Knife Bulk buy,Stainless Steel Knife manufacturers with BSCI approved,we have 12years experience with fabriquer Chef Knife,Knife ,Stainless Steel Knife pour notre Achat en gros the customer come from tous au dessus du le world.As a experience manufacturers,most of our Chef Knife,Knife Bulk buy,Stainless Steel Knife’s customer have cooperate with us for more than 10years.

Adresse : cinquième du district trois, zone industrielle de Shili, district de Yangdong, ville de Yangjiang, province du Guangdong.

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