Kebijakan Privasi

In general, you do not need to provide your name or other personal information to access our website.  However, there may be times when we require information from you, such as in order to process an order, contact you, provide a booking service or process work.  We may need this information to complete the above transactions or provide better services.  

Panganggone Informasi Pribadi  

1. It can be used by relevant parties on our website for transaction and communication to meet your orders and other shopping services;  

2. For keeping in touch with you to carry out customer satisfaction surveys, market research or certain transaction processing;  

3. Used for anonymous data analysis (e.g. click traffic data);  

4. Help to develop our business relationship (if you are a business partner or wholesaler of our website);  

Kebijakan Privasi-ZX | Pisau pawon, Alat Dapur, Cetakan Kue Silikon, Talenan, Set Alat Kue, Pisau Koki, Pisau Steak, Pisau Pengiris, Pisau Utilitas, Pisau Pengupas, Blok Pisau, Pisau Stand, Pisau Santoku, Pisau Balita, Pisau Plastik, Lukisan Non Stick Pisau, Pisau Warna-warni, Pisau Stainless Steel, Pembuka kaleng, Pembuka Botol, Saringan Teh, Parutan, Pengocok Telur, Alat Dapur Nilon, Alat Dapur Silikon, Pemotong Kue, Set Pisau Masak, Pengasah Pisau, Pengupas, Pisau Kue, Pisau Keju, Pizza Pisau, Spatuler Silikon, Sendok Silikon, Tong Makanan, Pisau Tempa, Gunting Dapur, Pisau Kue, Pisau Masak Anak, Pisau Ukir