Best price Stainless Steel Knife Set,Nonstick Coating Knife,Steak Knife factory sale directly

Best price Stainless Steel Knife Set,Nonstick Coating Knife,Steak Knife factory sale directly!

Urang anu pabrik tina kami Stainless Steel Knife Set,Nonstick Coating Knife,Steak Knife, urang harga is the most competitive because we are factory sale directly,below is our hot sell Beusi sténless jeung Nonstick Coating Knife Set,Knife Knife kanggo rujukan anjeun:

6pcs Stainless Steel non stick kitchen knife set

1pc Stainless Steel non stick 8″chef knife:2.5mm

1pc Stainless Steel non stick 8″bread knife:2.5mm

1pc Stainless Steel non stick 8″slicer knife:2.5mm

1pc Stainless Steel non stick 5″utility knife:2mm

1pc Stainless Steel non stick 3.5″paring knife:2mm

1pc knife block

peso material:3cr13 blade+S/S18/0+ with 2-tone color painting handle. blade in stainless steel silver knife block:S/S18/0+ 2-tone color painting color as left picture,same as pic, gray/black,red/black,green/black

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