What to do if my Boning Knife supplier,Boning Knife factory,Boning Knife manufacturer’s Boning knife is not sharp

Чӣ бояд кард, агар ман Boning Knife supplier,Boning Knife factory,Boning Knife manufacturer’s Boning knife is not sharp?

Чӣ бояд кард, агар ман Boning Knife supplier,Boning Knife factory,Boning Knife manufacturer’s Boning knife is not sharp?About the production way of the knife edge,but difference production way means difference price.1.A tooth machine opens a sharp mouth with the knife blade.But this way,the price is cheaper,some factory even not do heat treatment before make the sharpness.But at the same time,

The sharpness will be not very sharp.2.To make the sharpness by sanding belt,and make sure the angle of the knife blade is good and made by a practice workers,usually,the sharpness is sharp.3.Sharp the knife by water turntable,because the speed of water turntable is more faster than the other two ways,so the knife sharpness always better,but the cost of this way also higher.

If your boning knife factory produce your boning knife no sharp,you can ask them to rework for you,if they try to work it but the knife still not sharp,you can add my WECHAT or Whats App 15018125759,

We can help to rework it and we can promise that the sharpness of your knife blade will be very good.

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What to do if my Boning Knife supplier,Boning Knife factory,Boning Knife manufacturer’s Boning knife is not sharp-ZX | péso dapur, Alat Dapur, Cetakan Kue Silikon, Talenan, Set Alat Kue, Péso Oki, Péso Steak, Péso Pangiris, Péso Utilitas, Péso Pengupas, Blok Pisau, Pisau Stand, Péso Santoku, Péso Balita, Péso Plastik, Lukisan Non Stick Péso, Péso Warna-warni, Péso Stainless Steel, Pembuka kaléng, Pembuka Botol, Saringan Teh, Parut, Pangocok Endog, Alat Dapur Nilon, Alat Dapur Silikon, Pemotong Kue, Set Pisau Masak, Pengasah Pisau, Pengupas, Péso Kue, Péso Kéju, Pizza Péso, Silikon Spatuler, Silikon Sendok, Dahareun Tong, Ditempa péso, Dapur Gunting, Kueh péso, Pisau Masak Barudak, Ukiran Péso

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