Who is the Professional Chef Knife,Cook Knife,Kitchen Knives factory to custom

Who is the Professional Chef Knife,Cook Knife,Kitchen Knives factory to custom?

Who is the Professional Chef Knife,Cook Knife,Kitchen Knives factory to custom?You are come in the right place,yes,we are the Professional Chef Knife,Cook Knife,Kitchen Knives factory to custom .We have 12 years experience with BSCI approved.Target,lifetime,Aldi have place Chef Knife,Cook Knife,Kitchen Knives to our factory to do custom for them.As a professional chef knife factory,We always can finished our customer’s orders on time and our factory always offer very competitive for Chef Knife,Cook Knife,Kitchen Knives for custom’s orders.

Below is our hot sell Professional Chef Knife,Cook Knife,Kitchen Knives for you reference.


1pc Professional cook chef knife:8”,327*40,1.5mm,105g

1pc Professional cook bread kitchen knife:8”,328*33,1.5mm,93g

1pc Professional cook slicer kitchen knife:7”,325*33,1.5mm,89g

1pc Professional cook utility kitchen knife:5”,235*26,1.2mm,43g

1pc Professional cook paring kitchen knife:3.5”,198*25,1.2mm,37g

1pc Professional cook knife sharpener:295*38mm,108g

1pc Bulk buy Vegetable Peeler:147*60mm,25g

1pc acrylic stand

Who is the Professional Chef Knife,Cook Knife,Kitchen Knives factory to custom-中兴 | 菜刀,厨房工具,硅胶蛋糕模,砧板,烘焙工具套装,厨师刀,牛排刀,切片刀,美工刀,削皮刀,刀座,刀架,三德刀,幼儿刀,塑料刀,不粘画刀,彩色刀,不锈钢刀,开罐器,开瓶器,滤茶器,刨丝器,打蛋器,尼龙厨具,硅胶厨具,曲奇刀,厨刀套装,磨刀器,削皮器,蛋糕刀,芝士刀,披萨刀具,硅胶铲,硅胶勺,食品钳,锻造刀,厨房剪刀,蛋糕烤刀,儿童烹饪刀,雕刻刀