How to choose your long term cooperate kitchen knife,Cutter Knife,Boning Knife suppliers

How to choose your long term cooperate kitchen knife,Cutter Knife,Boning Knife suppliers

How to choose your long term cooperate kitchen knife,Cutter Knife,Boning Knife suppliers?

When we choose the kitchen knife,Cutter Knife,Boning Knife suppliers,we always thinking about the price,sample’s quality.But beside price and sample’s quality,we always need to thinking about the point as below:

1.-г сонгоно уу kitchen knife,Cutter Knife,Boning Knife Нийлүүлэгчид who have good moral quality.I used to work for a kitchen knife factory.The boss always offered very lower price than the other factory in the market,sometimes even lose money.The kitchen knife,Cutter Knife,Boning Knife suppliers made sample according to his offers and he win the orders very quickly.But after received the deposit,he has two ways to made money.

A.He will increase the price directly,he will tell customer he offer the wrong price or the workers asked for higher salary or the raw material increase price,many many excuse.If the customer did not agree increase price,the kitchen knife,Cutter Knife suppliers boss will said already buy material cannot return the deposit,or he will delay and delay to reply the customer and made the customer no time to find an other нийлүүлэгч.

B.He keep same price,but since he have no profit from this order,he changed the material,for example,in the contract,the гал тогооны хутга’s blade material should be 1.4116 import from Germany.But he used 2cr13 to instead of 1.4116 and the customers could not see any problem from the surface at all.

How to choose your long term cooperate kitchen knife,Cutter Knife,Boning Knife suppliers-ZX | гал тогооны хутга, гал тогооны хэрэгсэл, силикон бялуу хөгц, зүсэх самбар, жигнэх хэрэгслийн багц, тогоочийн хутга, стейк хутга, зүсэгч хутга, хэрэглээний хутга, хутга, хутганы блок, хутганы тавиур, Сантоку хутга, балчир хутга, хуванцар хутга, наалт Хутга,Өнгө өнгийн хутга,Зэвэрдэггүй ган хутга,лааз онгойлгогч,лонх онгойлгогч,цай шүүлтүүр,үрэгч,өндөг цохигч,нилон гал тогооны хэрэгсэл,гал тогооны силикон хэрэгсэл,жигнэмэг таслагч,хоол хийх хутганы багц,хутга ирлэгч,хутга,бялуу хутга,бяслагны хутга,бяслагны хутга Хутга, Силикон хусуур, Силикон халбага, Хоолны хавчаар, Хуурамч хутга, Гал тогооны хайч, бялуу хийх хутга, Хүүхдийн хоол хийх хутга, Сийлбэрийн хутга

Дашрамд хэлэхэд, дарга нь үйлчлүүлэгчийнхээ төлөө ийм зүйл хийснийг мэдсэний дараа би ажлаасаа шууд гарсан. Тиймээс түүний хэлснийг үргэлж зөрчдөг ханган нийлүүлэгч байгаа бол болгоомжтой байгаарай, түүнд дахин захиалга өгөх хэрэггүй.

After I set up my owe kitchen knife factory,I am strict with my staff that never broke the words,

Never increase the price at once confirm the order,never lower the quality of our order no matter lose money or not.

2.-г сонгоно уу kitchen knife,Cutter Knife,Boning Knife suppliers suppliers who can control the quality and delivery time good.

There are one of my customer,8years ago, she have two kitchen tool’s orders,one have placed to our үйлдвэр,one placed to Yiwu’s factory.As her plan,Yiwu’s factory should send goods to our factory and mix container with us,when we finished our order according to contract,the yiwu’s factory even not start the production,after 3 months,the yiwu’s factory said too busy and not start the production yet,my customer is very angry and transfer the order to me тэр даруй,in order to support him,we work day and night and finished his order in 15days.

  1. сонгоно уу kitchen knife suppliers who is loyal to you

Well,choose the kitchen knife suppliers who is loyal to you is really very important,please think about that,if you trust a knife factory and send a lot of new designs to them to produce the гал тогооны хутга.But he changed your design a little bit and sell it to your өрсөлдөгч,or even just send your exactly same design гал тогооны хутга таны хувьд өрсөлдөгч,how much will you lose?

Our factory have a very strict rules,that is for one same гал тогооны хутга,one market,we choose one customer to cooperate only and we never send new customer any artwork or logo about our old customer.