Cara memeriksa Pisau Dapur Cina, Set Pisau Koki Baru, Pisau Roti, Beli Massal

Bagaimana cara melakukan pemeriksaan a China Kitchen Knife,New Chef Knife Set,Bread Knife Bulk buy?

Bagaimana cara melakukan pemeriksaan a Pisau Dapur Cina, Set Pisau Koki Baru, Pisau Roti Beli Massal?

We should do the point as below:

  1. We need to measure How to make inspection of a China Kitchen Knife,New Chef Knife Set,Bread Knife’s size,the thickness,the weight,we have to make sure those information match with contract.But we have to take care,in the contract of massal buy,jika tertulis Cara melakukan pemeriksaan a China Kitchen Knife,New Chef Knife Set,Bread Knife’s thickness is 2.5mm,we have to double check with the customers,is it means the final knife blade thickness or the raw material thickness.If it didn’t mark information for this,we always regard it means the new kitchen chef,bread kitchen knife’s thickness of the raw material ,so if the contract of pembelian massal adalah 2.5mm akhir kami new kitchen chef,bread kitchen knife’s thickness will be 2.2mm,because 0.3mm will be missing after polishing.Of course,it the bulk buy’s new kitchen chef,bread kitchen knife’s blade is non stick painting knife,the raw material thickness will be similar as final goods.

Cara memeriksa Pisau Dapur Cina, Set Pisau Koki Baru, Pisau Roti, Beli Massal-ZX | кухонны нож, кухонны інструмент, сіліконавая форма для торта, апрацоўчая дошка, наборы інструментаў для выпечкі, шэф-наж, нож для стейка, нож для слайсера, нож, нож для ачысткі, блок для нажа, падстаўка для нажа, нож Santoku, нож для маляняці, пластыкавы нож для наклейкі, Нож, рознакаляровы нож, нож з нержавеючай сталі, адкрывалка для банкаў, адкрывалка для бутэлек, сітак для гарбаты, тарка, яйка для ўзбівання, нейлонавы кухонны інструмент, сіліконавы кухонны інструмент, разак для печыва, набор нажоў для кулінарных нажоў, тачылка для нажоў, ачышчальнік, нож для торта, нож для кафэ, Нож, сіліконавая лапатачка, сіліконавая лыжка, харчовая шчыпцы, каваны нож, кухонныя нажніцы, нажы для выпечкі тортаў, дзіцячыя кулінарныя нажы, нож для разьбы

2.We need to check the packing way of bulk buy koki dapur baru, pisau dapur roti,the raw material quality same as the requirement as the contract or not.The color meet the Pantone number or not,we can take a international pantone card to compare b there color correct or not,normally,70% likely is pass.

3.We have to make sure the raw is what you order or not,for new kitchen chef knife or bread kitchen knife blade,we cannot see the difference from the surface if the material is 2cr13 or 3cr14,if we have to know,we will have to send the beli massal pisau koki dapur baru atau pisau dapur roti material to the lab to make test.

  1. Yang terpenting adalah new kitchen chef knife or bread kitchen knife’s kualitas untuk pembelian massal. Kami akan melihat dengan cermat dari permukaan jika pisau koki dapur baru dan pisau dapur roti is broken,color dot,sharp point(not include the knife blade sharpness).If the chef knife,bread kitchen knife handle is made of plastic,we will try to separate the kitchen bread knife,chef knife’s handle with knife blade,if they can separate by hand easier,the bulk buy’s new kitchen chef knife,bread kitchen knife quality is not OK because quality like this,it can be fall off when people using it and easy to get hurt.

Cara memeriksa Pisau Dapur Cina, Set Pisau Koki Baru, Pisau Roti, Beli Massal-ZX | кухонны нож, кухонны інструмент, сіліконавая форма для торта, апрацоўчая дошка, наборы інструментаў для выпечкі, шэф-наж, нож для стейка, нож для слайсера, нож, нож для ачысткі, блок для нажа, падстаўка для нажа, нож Santoku, нож для маляняці, пластыкавы нож для наклейкі, Нож, рознакаляровы нож, нож з нержавеючай сталі, адкрывалка для банкаў, адкрывалка для бутэлек, сітак для гарбаты, тарка, яйка для ўзбівання, нейлонавы кухонны інструмент, сіліконавы кухонны інструмент, разак для печыва, набор нажоў для кулінарных нажоў, тачылка для нажоў, ачышчальнік, нож для торта, нож для кафэ, Нож, сіліконавая лапатачка, сіліконавая лыжка, харчовая шчыпцы, каваны нож, кухонныя нажніцы, нажы для выпечкі тортаў, дзіцячыя кулінарныя нажы, нож для разьбы

  1. Test the sharpness of the kitchen chef knife serta kitchen bread bilah pisau.Untuk menguji ketajamannya bagus atau tidak, kita bisa memotong beberapa potong kertas atau memotong apel, jika tidak harus menggunakan banyak daya untuk memotong apel, berarti ketajamannya bagus. Atau potong kertas dan kertasnya tidak berbulu,artinya kitchen chef knife and bread knife of pembelian massal is sharp too.
  2. Make sure the knife no rust.We have to look at the new kitchen chef knife or bread kitchen knife very slowly,if the new kitchen chef knife or bread kitchen knife mendapatkan titik kuning atau titik gelap, kami akan mencoba membersihkannya dengan kain, jika dapat dibersihkan dengan mudah, berarti tidak berkarat, jika tidak dapat dibersihkan dengan kain, itu adalah karat. Sekaligus pisau koki dapur baru dan pisau dapur roti get rust,it will be more an more rust,so at once we found one piece knife with rust,we will make full check with all pisau koki dapur, pisau roti untuk pembelian massal.
  3. 7. Akhirnya, kami menghitung cacat produk, jika cacat pisau koki dapur baru dan pisau dapur roti quantity is more than what our customer asking for,we will rework for the whole shipment goods,if the cacat produk under the quantity that the customer require,means the inspection is pass.