How to make inspection of a China Kitchen Knife,New Chef Knife Set,Bread Knife Bulk buy

Ahoana no hanaovana fisafoana ny a China Kitchen Knife, New Chef Knife Set, Mofo Antsy mividiana betsaka?

Ahoana no hanaovana fisafoana ny a Antsy an-dakozia Shina, Antsy Chef Vaovao, Antsy mofo amidy betsaka?

Tokony hanao ny teboka toy ny eto ambany isika:

  1. Mila mandrefy ny fomba fanaovana fisafoana ny a China Kitchen Knife, New Chef Knife Set, Mofo Antsy size,the thickness,the weight,we have to make sure those information match with contract.But we have to take care,in the contract of bulk buy,if it says the How to make inspection of a China Kitchen Knife, New Chef Knife Set, Mofo Antsy thickness is 2.5mm,we have to double check with the customers,is it means the final knife blade thickness or the raw material thickness.If it didn’t mark information for this,we always regard it means the chef an-dakozia vaovao, antsy an-dakozia mofo hatevin’ny akora , ka raha ny fifanarahana ny mividy betsaka dia 2.5mm, ny farany chef an-dakozia vaovao, antsy an-dakozia mofo Ny hateviny dia ho 2.2mm, satria ny 0.3mm dia ho tsy hita aorian’ny polishing. Mazava ho azy, ny ankamaroany mividy ny chef an-dakozia vaovao, antsy an-dakozia mofo blade is non stick painting knife,the raw material thickness will be similar as final goods.

How to make inspection of a China Kitchen Knife,New Chef Knife Set,Bread Knife Bulk buy-ZX | antsy an-dakozia,Fitaovana lakozia,Lasitra mofomamy Silicone,Bola fanatehana,Fitaovana fanaova-mofo,Antsy Chef,Antsy Steak,Antsy slicer,Antsy azo ampiasaina,Antsy fandrahoan-tsakafo,Bola antsy,Fijoroana antsy,Antsy Santoku,antsy zaza,Antsy plastika,Fandokoana tsy miraikitra Antsy, Antsy miloko, Antsy vy tsy misy tavoara, fanokafana kapoaka, fanokafana tavoahangy, fanosorana dite, fanosorana atody, fitaovana an-dakozia nylon, fitaovana an-dakozia silicone, mpanapaka mofomamy, antsy mahandro, mpanandratra antsy, mpanodina, antsy mofomamy, antsy fromazy, pizza Antsy, Spatular Silicone, sotro Silicone, Tong sakafo, Antsy hosoka, Hety lakozia, antsy fanaova mofomamy, Antsy mahandro ho an'ny ankizy, Antsy sokitra

2.We need to check the packing way of bulk buy new kitchen chef,bread kitchen knife,Ny kalitaon’ny akora dia mitovy amin’ny fepetra takiana amin’ny fifanarahana na tsia.Ny loko dia mahafeno ny laharana Pantone na tsia,afaka maka karatra pantone iraisam-pirenena isika mba hampitahana b misy loko marina na tsia,ara-dalàna,70% azo inoana fa mandalo.

3.We have to make sure the raw is what you order or not,for antsy chef an-dakozia vaovao na antsy an-dakozia mofo lelany, tsy afaka mahita ny fahasamihafana amin’ny ety ivelany isika raha 2cr13 na 3cr14 ny fitaovana, raha tsy maintsy fantatsika, dia tsy maintsy mandefa ny betsaka mividy antsy chef an-dakozia vaovao na antsy an-dakozia mofo fitaovana ho an’ny laboratoara hanaovana fitsapana.

  1. The most important is the antsy chef an-dakozia vaovao na antsy an-dakozia mofo kalitao ho an’ny fividianana betsaka. Hojerentsika tsara avy eny ambonin’ny tany,raha toa ka new kitchen chef knife and bread kitchen knife is broken,color dot,sharp point(not include the knife blade sharpness).If the chef knife,bread kitchen knife handle is made of plastic,we will try to separate the kitchen bread knife,chef knife’s handle with knife blade,if they can separate by hand easier,the bulk buy’s antsy chef an-dakozia vaovao, antsy an-dakozia mofo quality is not OK because quality like this,it can be fall off when people using it and easy to get hurt.

How to make inspection of a China Kitchen Knife,New Chef Knife Set,Bread Knife Bulk buy-ZX | antsy an-dakozia,Fitaovana lakozia,Lasitra mofomamy Silicone,Bola fanatehana,Fitaovana fanaova-mofo,Antsy Chef,Antsy Steak,Antsy slicer,Antsy azo ampiasaina,Antsy fandrahoan-tsakafo,Bola antsy,Fijoroana antsy,Antsy Santoku,antsy zaza,Antsy plastika,Fandokoana tsy miraikitra Antsy, Antsy miloko, Antsy vy tsy misy tavoara, fanokafana kapoaka, fanokafana tavoahangy, fanosorana dite, fanosorana atody, fitaovana an-dakozia nylon, fitaovana an-dakozia silicone, mpanapaka mofomamy, antsy mahandro, mpanandratra antsy, mpanodina, antsy mofomamy, antsy fromazy, pizza Antsy, Spatular Silicone, sotro Silicone, Tong sakafo, Antsy hosoka, Hety lakozia, antsy fanaova mofomamy, Antsy mahandro ho an'ny ankizy, Antsy sokitra

  1. Test the sharpness of the kitchen chef knife ary kitchen bread knife blade.In order to test the sharpness good or not,we can cut few piece paper or cut a apple,if don’t have to use a lot of power to cut the apple,means the sharpness is good.Or cut paper and the paper didn’t get fur,means the antsy chef an-dakozia sy antsy mofo of mividy betsaka is sharp too.
  2. Ataovy azo antoka fa tsy misy harafesina ny antsy. Mila mijery ny antsy chef an-dakozia vaovao na antsy an-dakozia mofo very slowly,if the antsy chef an-dakozia vaovao na antsy an-dakozia mofo get a yellow dot or dark dot,we will try to clean it by a cloth,if it can be clean easy,means it is not rust,if it cannot clear by a cloth,it is the rust.At once the new kitchen chef knife and bread kitchen knife mahazo harafesina, ho harafesina kokoa izany, noho izany dia nahita antsy iray misy harafesina izahay, hanamarina tanteraka ny rehetra kitchen chef knife,bread knife ho an’ny mividy betsaka.
  3. 7.Finally,we calculate the tsininy entana,if the tsininy new kitchen chef knife and bread kitchen knife Ny habetsahana dia mihoatra noho izay angatahan’ny mpanjifantsika, hamerenanay ny entana entana rehetra, raha toa ka tsininy entana under the quantity that the customer require,means the inspection is pass.