Mokhoa oa ho hlahisa thipa e bohale ea kichineng, Utility Knife Set, China Chef Knife

Mokhoa oa ho hlahisa thipa e bohale ea kichineng, Utility Knife Set, China Chef Knife?

To buy a utility kiche chef thipa,Ke nahana hore ntho ea bohlokoa ka ho fetisisa ke ho reka sharp utility kitchen chef knife,ha e sebelisoe haeba e sa sebelisoe E bohale,even the knife looks very beautiful,because you buy it is for cut your food,not for a vase or for a toy.

Ho bua ka mokhoa oa ho hlahisa a e halefile utility kiche chef thipa, re na le lintlha tse ka tlase tseo re lokelang ho li tseba

1.Raw material: Khetha thepa e ntle, 2cr14 kapa 3cr14, eseng 2cr13, hobane 2cr13 ha e na boima bo bongata joaloka 2cr14 kapa 3cr14, ‘me 2cr13 e ke ke ea feta tlhahlobo ea LFGB.

Mokhoa oa ho hlahisa thipa e bohale ea kichineng, Utility Knife Set, China Chef Knife-ZX | thipa ea kichineng,Lisebelisoa tsa kichineng,Mould oa kuku ea Silicone,Boto ea ho Seha,Sets Tool ea ho baka,Thipa ea Chef,Steak Knife,Slicer thipa,Utility Thipa,Paring Thipa,Thipa block,Thipa Stand,Santoku Knife,toddler Thipa,Plastic Knife,Non Stick Thipa,Thipa e mebala-bala,thipa ea tšepe e sa hloekang,seoki se bulang,sebotlolo sa botlolo,Sefefo sa Tee,Grater,Beater ea mahe,sethulusi sa Kitchen sa Nylon,Sesebelisoa sa Kichine sa Silicone,Sekha sa kuku,Sete ea thipa ea ho pheha,Sehlopha sa thipa,Peeler,Thipa ea Kaka, K'hesi Thipa,Spatular ea Silicone,Khaba ea Silicone,Leqhoele la Lijo,thipa e entsoeng,Sekere sa kichineng,lithipa tsa ho baka kuku, lithipa tsa ho pheha tsa bana,thipa e betlang

2.Etsa bonnete ba hore utility kitchen chef thipa sete Phekolo ea mocheso ha e ka tlase ho 54 ° C, haeba utility kiche chef thipa blade ha ea ka ea etsa kalafo ea mocheso kapa kalafo ea mocheso e tlase utility kiche chef thipa e ke ke ea e-ba bohale le ho ba bonolo ho ba lerootho ka mor’a ho sebelisoa.By the way, the best quality raw material of utility kiche chef thipa lehare leo u le sebelisitseng, kalafo e phahameng ea mocheso eo u ka e etsang bakeng sa thipa lehare.

3.Etsa hore angle e nepahetse ha u tlosa flash line kapa u bentša, ‘me u netefatse hore lehare le tšesaane, hobane ka mor’a ho tlosa flash ea ho arohana kapa ho belisoa, haeba lehare le le lesesaane, ho tla ba bonolo ho le chorisa. utility kiche chef thipa.

Mokhoa oa ho hlahisa thipa e bohale ea kichineng, Utility Knife Set, China Chef Knife-ZX | thipa ea kichineng,Lisebelisoa tsa kichineng,Mould oa kuku ea Silicone,Boto ea ho Seha,Sets Tool ea ho baka,Thipa ea Chef,Steak Knife,Slicer thipa,Utility Thipa,Paring Thipa,Thipa block,Thipa Stand,Santoku Knife,toddler Thipa,Plastic Knife,Non Stick Thipa,Thipa e mebala-bala,thipa ea tšepe e sa hloekang,seoki se bulang,sebotlolo sa botlolo,Sefefo sa Tee,Grater,Beater ea mahe,sethulusi sa Kitchen sa Nylon,Sesebelisoa sa Kichine sa Silicone,Sekha sa kuku,Sete ea thipa ea ho pheha,Sehlopha sa thipa,Peeler,Thipa ea Kaka, K'hesi Thipa,Spatular ea Silicone,Khaba ea Silicone,Leqhoele la Lijo,thipa e entsoeng,Sekere sa kichineng,lithipa tsa ho baka kuku, lithipa tsa ho pheha tsa bana,thipa e betlang

4.Khetha mochine o nepahetseng ho leotsa thipa.

Feme e ‘ngoe e ka u fa theko e tlase haholo, empa ka linako tse ling e na le tsela e ngata ea ho theola theko ea eona lisebelisoa tsa kichine chef thipa boleng, mokhoa oa ho bohale ke e ‘ngoe ea tsona.1.Sebelisa mochini oa meno ho chorisa utility kitchen chef thipa sete, ka tsela ena, lebelo la tlhahiso le ka ba kapele haholo, empa bohale ba thipa ha bo ntle, kahoo ha re fane ka maikutlo a mokhoa ona.2.Used sanding lebanta ho hlaba utility kitchen chef thipa sete.This is the most common way,by this sanding belt,some of factory can produce the thipa e bohale, empa ea fektheri e ke ke ea hlahisa thipa e bohale, e tla itšetleha ka basebetsi. Hantle, basebetsi ba rona ba fektheri bakeng sa ts’ebetso e bohale bohle ba na le phihlelo ea 5years ‘me re na le QC e feletseng e hlahlobang bohale pele re fetela ts’ebetsong e’ ngoe. Ka nako e ‘ngoe, e mong oa libaka thipa ea kichineng fektheri, moreki oa bona o hloka botenya ba lehare la thipa ke 5mm mme o hloka lehare la thipa haholo. E bohale, feme e leka 50pcs disampole mme e fetotse 10workers, empa a ntse a sa khone ho fumana utility kiche chef thipa E bohale,baa tseba hore re ipabola haholo bohale motseng oa rona, hoo ba ileng ba kopa thuso ea rona, ka mor’a hore re ba thuse, moreki oa bona o thabile haholo ka bohale ba rona. Joale moreki enoa o na le odara ea 5HQ khoeli le khoeli. thipa le mofeng wa ho lahla thipa, re lula re sebelisa hydraulic rotary ho chorisa thipa ea rona, hobane hydraulic rotary ka lebelo le potlakileng haholo, e ka etsa thipa e bohale ho feta.

5.Etsa bonnete ba hore utility kiche chef thipa lehare le boreleli ka mor’a E bohale process, hobane the utility kitchen chef thipa sete hase E bohale haeba ho na le ba bangata ba tšepe burr.So ka kopo etsa bonnete ba hore ho na le QC etsa cheke e feletseng le ha ho na tšepe burr.Our utility kiche chef thipa fektheri e na le tlhokahalo e thata haholo ea boleng mabapi le tšepe ea tšepe.

Ha e le hantle, ka mor’a hore ke tsebe hore mookameli o etselitse moreki oa hae sena, ke ile ka tlohela hang-hang. Kahoo ha u e-na le mofani oa thepa ea lulang a tlōla seo a se buileng, ela hloko, u se ke ua hlola u mo laela.